Monday, May 21, 2012

          Where to go and what to do?

          The ebb and flow of having Cancer caused me to pull back from friends at times, seek out my friends at others. One of the first things that the obligatory Cancer books that were given to me made a great point, you cannot judge how your friends and loved ones act towards you anymore. The situation is such that it is hard for others to communicate with you, they feel they must spare feelings, watch what they say and generally all of that makes it awkward. It also lets everyone of the hook, as it should be to grow you have to let go. Letting go of expectations, projecting how you think others should act towards you because you’re sick is nothing but a pity party. From the experiences I have had with others with Cancer it has become painfully aware to me that it is hard to say the right thing at times. After all if a person with Cancer has a hard time figuring out what the right thing to say to another with Cancer, it must be even harder for a healthy concerned friend to always keep a conversation free of uncomfortable topics.
             This is another lesson that you need not get Cancer to learn from, stop expecting people to act the way you want them to, or get used to being disappointed or constantly annoyed. Pretty sure if you’re this way you know it or maybe this will turn on the light. We do not want to figure out what might offend you, so stop trying to be offended you selfish putz. Do not set us up for failure because you are so needy, lighten up drop the expectations let’s get back to being young at heart without the complexities of emotional baggage. If this is hitting home, sorry but check it out this is how we learn to be better humans. Now you know for me you cannot say the wrong thing, if you do I will tell you politely, we will move on and that’s that.
             The thing is that when my disposition had me not answering the phone, returning calls or communicating with people near to my heart it was a grave mistake. It felt hard to do, it was easier to just not deal with anyone.
      Well not any more I want to hear from everyone; life is too short when you have friends that are as amusing as mine. Half of you should be comics because you already act like clowns (just kidding), seriously travel great conversation this is what fills the soul. Life is not that hard as a matter of opinion it’s pretty easy you live every day. Short of you taking the big sleep on purpose tomorrow will come, the light of day will turn to night and yet day again.
     This blog needs to do one thing for me if at all possible, please send me some good ideas for short inexpensive trips. If anyone knows any travel agent type covert maneuvers pass them on, quickly please. Like I always hear someone tell me how they got comped at Harrah’s, why is it always Harrah’s by the way. No desire to zip line thru the Jungle and get flesh eating bacteria, or to sit in the sun all day we have that every day here in South Florida. This is why I need some help finding it out, by the way thank you in advance for the invitation, I am a shitty houseguest snore really loud wander in and out of the house at all hours and leave the TV on while I listen to podcasts. This leaves only Hotels, cabins in the woods or maybe an RV with a driver, or a Yacht yes a Yacht anyone have one they forgot about?

Scott VS Cancer
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