Monday, July 2, 2012

Randon again

Here we go the 4th on a Wednesday, party on blow stuff up TEAM America “F**K YEA!”   We are so patriotic, love it or leave it and by the way do not tread on me, thanks so much. It is great to live in a place where we feel free; talking to your neighbor about politics doesn’t end up with a visit by the religious police. Listing the world’s terrible places to be born is dull, redundant and obvious if you do not live in a hut.
If we truly are the greatest place to live why does Jerry Sandusky get to bang kids, worse yet groom these young souls through “charitable organizations’?” Or why our teachers are amongst the worst paid in the first world, causing our kids to slip to dismal placing in the worlds brightest. I think that I know why and it is something that will never be fixed, but it could be better.
When we are born it is simple luck or just the way that whatever forces control this life places us, some of us are born to privilege others not so much, and some into misery. Those of us who are fortunate enough to be raised in a place that is clean, civil and helps us to become stand up people may chose to stay in the society that we were raised in. those of those less fortunate may seek out a spot on in this world where they have a better life for them and their offspring. America is one of the few places on earth founded on these principals. I am happy to be here so my agreement is made so my best is done to stick to it.
What agreement Scott, you may be thinking as I hope you do. By staying in the culture I was born an agreement is accepted between myself and the community I live in, for this example it is the United States of America. The agreement is as old as civilization and described a long time ago by Socrates. The great philosopher had some impact on this world and his explanation of a Tacit Agreement is debated to this day. If you have the patience his argument is in Crito Google it, Socrates’ argument is presented to Plato while he is awaiting the death penalty. Socrates states that he has agreed to the laws of the land by staying within its borders he will not escape his fate, but accept it. This is a debate that has been going on for as long as societies have put laws into effect with penalties been put in place.
      What a Tacit agreement should mean to us here and now in my opinion is simple. If you choose to make your life in the USA, or for that wherever, you have made the choice to live you have Tacitly agreed to abide by and uphold an agreed upon way of life. This is why for me the guy who saw Sandusky in the shower is almost as shitty as Sandusky. By not making so much noise or dragging that sick fuck out by his ankles he broke his agreement, he must pay a debt to society for that. Shun him if not jail him make it clear that we protect those who cannot protect themselves not just your ass. So you can see it is not some patriotic love it or leave it view. I am not saying you should only speak English or some twisted tea party views, simply put what I am saying is do what’s right. If you choose to make your life here than please do as those around you do, be polite and neighborly. If we all follow the agreed upon laws of civility than truly where you live will be the best place in the world.
Or not cause I am ready for the Zombie Apocalypse