Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thank you guys!


        Over the last week or so I have been writing plenty, most of which will be posted at some point and it will be such a great release to put it out to the rest of the world, that might be a little grandiose so maybe it’s better said for those select few that take the time to read my blog.
       Except I cannot let go the events of this morning, so far my phone has rang almost a dozen times, Facebook is making the phone ding every couple of minutes, plus the people I have run into have all had wonderful Birthday wishes for me. I am so thankful experience what I have been putting out in the world coming back my way. My mantra has been loosely interpreted as you get back what you put out.
I have been making sure that I do the little things open doors, pay compliments, and leave a big tip or just generally trying to put out the right vibes. Today my theory is proven, while I have been blessed to have people in my life that are courteous, righteous and consciences of others, my behaviors have not always been so. Well today it is a sure sign that my philosophies work, this positive energy will carry me all year!

Thanks for the kind words, the time and effort that it takes to reach out and just being you, I am honored by your friendship.
Scott Vs Liver Cancer

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